Danaqa Ltd

What is it we do?

Danaqa is a consultancy and direct sales company specialising in supporting businesses and organisations based in developing economies in Africa, the Caribbean and South Asia. We add business to business and direct retailing experience to our consultancy practice producing a combination of related knowledge and providing practical value to our clients.

We work with development agencies and investment funders to grow the capacity of local businesses to improve their impact and scale.

Core Principles

Danaqa Ltd believes that with the appropriate research for development, results oriented programming, collaborative processes and guidance equitable, pro poor development can be encouraged through market access. We believe in using innovative processes to involve stakeholders in programme design and delivery and that high quality, high margin, export quality production and increased income security can be achieved by small producers and entrepreneurs.

Who are we?

Founded by David Thomas and Nadia Manning-Thomas in 2010, Danaqa’s founder have 20 years of in-country consultancy experience and 5 years of retailing and business to business experience in the UK.

David is an expert in market access and women’s business development.  David has experience in programme design, process management, implementation and research having lived and work in East Africa and South Asia working on microfinance and women’s development programmes.  Since 2011 David has focused on market access programming both internal (structured market focused) and export.

Nadia is an expert in multi-stakeholder engagement, knowledge sharing, collaboration and facilitation.  For example, she has worked on community engagement programmes in Namibia, on knowledge sharing in a multi-partner programme funded by BMGF and on facilitation and communication in organisations and programs around the world. She has particular experience with supporting collective action and learning through  networks, learning alliances, innovation platforms and communities of practice. Nadia has experience working on programmes in over 20 African, South American, Caribbean and Asian countries over the past 15 years.

Our board of directors and investors have experiences in management consultancy, branding and product development, product sourcing, finance, international development, HR and charity management.  

Our network of partners and collaborators includes experts in e-governance and community participation, youth and women’s employment, communications, management and research.

Interested in Working With Danaqa Ltd?

Contact David at d.thomas@danaqa.com