How many origami flowers can you make with one Ethiopian newspaper?

Last time our CEO David travelled to Ethiopia I asked him to bring me back a newspaper for a window display idea I had been thinking about.  To display our beautiful stainless steel vases from India I thought it would be great to make some origami flowers, and as Amharic script is so pretty, I thought an Ethiopian newspaper would be ideal.

Since having the vases and flowers displayed in the window we have had lots of admiring comments, including one lady who was going to take the idea and instructions back to her students.  Sharing the instructions with this enthusiastic teacher has inspired me to post them on our blog as well, for anyone that fancies having a go themselves.  It is very easy and the results are very effective!  

Origami Rose instructions
Our origami flowers in the Danaqa window

And for those of you wondering, you can make exactly 18 flowers with one Ethiopian newspaper!