GLF-a youth volunteer perspective

There is much talk of protecting the earth and our natural resources for the next generation but it is the current generation of young people that are bringing new energy and ideas to help solve the issues we face.  For the Global Landscapes Forum, Danaqa assisted CIFOR in recruiting 9 inspiring and informed students to assist in the facilitation of the days sessions.  Prior to the conference Danaqa provided a training session in techniques and exercises to aid engagement and conversation, including 1-2-4-ALL, Worldcafe and sketchnoting.

Below, one student, Mariefi Kamizouli shares her thoughts on the event and the outcome of her sketchnoting session.

"It was a great experience beinga youth volunteer at GLF: The Investment Case in London. I have learned a lot during the different sessions that I participated in. Firstly, I really enjoyed the session about "Removing barriers for investing in landscape restoration - what works where?"  the part we used the 1-2-4 all approach. I specifically liked this moment, because the audience had to identify the key barriers and write them down in order to make categories of these barriers and to discuss them further. People at this point were really engaged at the topic. It was really interactive! My favourite moment during the event was the exhibition part, where I had to sketch-note the conversation about the Case of "Indonesia Palm Oil Pledge"- (IPOP). The conversation was so interesting and so informative that I was very dedicated on the problem of Palm Oils and the deforestation there. Finally, all of the participants were happy to share their knowledge and advice to me during networking. I can not wait to collaborate with CIFOR again!" 

Mariefi Kamizouli, MSc student in Environmental Economics & Climate Change at London School of Economics & Business. 
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