A busy Summer of Events

It is looking like a busy Summer of Charity and local events for Danaqa.

Our usual slot at the Cirencester Friends of the Earth Flea Market on 2nd May is booked and lots of new lines will be on display including bamboo bowl and Salad sets.

On the 1st of June we will be joining our friends at Hay on Wye for another Fairtrade Market.

Then on 15/16 June we will be having a ball at our local “Village Glastonbury” Chalfest.

Our regular sales venue of The Malt House Emporium in Ashchurch, Tewkesbury will be going through its Summer revamp early in April, so its out with the woolly gloves and in with the beach sarongs!!

Here’s hoping for fair weather and good times in the weeks to come.