Christmas Period Closure and 2021

Our webshop is closing for the Festive period for orders today, 20 December. A big thank you to all of our customers old and new and future!

Our retail space at the Malt House Emporium is open right up until 4pm on Christmas Eve so last minute Fair Trade shopping is still possible in Tewkesbury.

Well, what a year it has been! Here in the rural corners of the UK it has been tough, but we are very fortunate in comparison to so many for whom Covid and conflict has meant 2020 was a year of great strife. Fair trade allows us to share in experiences good and bad and we pray that 2021 brings respite and hope to all, but especially those most in need.

Next year we aim to continue afresh with new products from Eswatini and Sri Lanka. Our newest supplier Calypso in Chile is sending a range of beautiful recycled glass jewellery - awesome!!

So, best wishes for a SAFE and happy Christmas and let’s hope 2021 rebuilds hope and peace and trade justice afresh.
